Holdings, the storied department store that includes both the Kmart and Sears Roebuck
chains, lost $3.1 billion in 2011,
$930 million in 2012 and $1 billion in the first nine months of 2013. Its stock
has lost half its value over the last five years, even though it spent $6
billion on share buybacks between 2005 and 2011. Recently, the magazine, Business week/Bloomberg,
reported on the state of organizational chaos at the company. ( Its CEO Eddie Lampert,
the very successful hedge fund investor who owns a $1.7 billion dollar stake in
the company, divided the store into thirty business units in such areas as
apparel, consumer electronics, footwear and finance. Under this scheme, “Each business unit had its own president, chief marketing
officer, board of directors, and, most important, its own profit-and-loss
statement… Interviews with more than forty
former executives, many of whom sat at the highest levels of the company, paint
a picture of a business that’s ravaged by infighting as its divisions battle
over fewer resources. (Many declined to go on the record for a variety of
reasons, including fear of angering Lampert.) Shaunak Dave, a former executive
who left in 2012 and is now at the sports marketing agency, Revolution, says
the model created a ‘warring tribes’ culture. ‘If you were in a different
business unit, we were in two competing companies,’ he says. ‘Cooperation and
collaboration aren’t there.’”
The reporter goes on to note, “The most cumbersome aspect of the
new structure, former employees say, was Lampert’s edict that each unit create
its own board of directors. Because there were so many departments, some
presidents sat on as many as five or six boards, which met once a month. Top
executives were constantly mired in meetings. According to several former
executives, the apparel division cut back on labor to save money, knowing that
floor salesmen in other departments would inevitably pick up the slack. Turf
wars sprang up over store displays. No one was willing to make sacrifices in
pricing to boost store traffic.”
One question is whether or not this organizational
structure serves purposeful ends, for example to underline and strengthen
managerial accountability for results, or simply expresses the CEO’s irrational
response to stresses and difficulties, a way to punish executives for their
failure to perform. Lampert owns Sears holdings shares through his hedge fund,
ESL. Some journalists and analysts suggest that as a hedge fund investor, he is
less interested in the company’s performance and more in extracting cash from it
by selling off its assets. For example, one investment house
estimates that the Store’s top 350 locations, as standalone properties, were
together worth $7.3 billion, about $600 million more than its total
capitalization on the stock market. This may be one reason why Sears spends
significantly less on upgrading its stores than do other retailers. In 2012, for instance, Sears Holdings spent
$1.46 per square foot, on average, on its stores. Five of its peers — J.C.
Penney, Target, Lowe’s, Walmart and Home Depot — spent an average of $9.45 a
square foot. As a result, “sales
at stores open at least one year, a key measure of retail performance, have
declined for six straight years.” In this sense, perhaps he divided the business into 30 separate units to
assess which assets he should retain and which he should sell off. He is an
“asset stripper.”
I am inclined however to
reject this interpretation. As one analyst notes his personal stake in the
company increased by 41% in 2013, adding that, “There is no apparent news,
however, to explain this rapid run-up.” ( Moreover, in 2009, the year he implemented the organization design, he reduced the company’s debt by $2 billion.
Classic “asset strippers”
work differently. They typically take on lots of debt to buy a company and then
use the loan’s proceeds to reward themselves, while preparing to sell off
pieces of the company as quickly as possible to pay off the debt. While Lampert
buys distressed properties --he bought the department store, Kmart, out of
bankruptcy and later merged it with Sears -- he holds on to his shares for a
long time, focusing his investments and attention on a few sectors. As one
journalist notes, in contrast to many other hedge funds he holds, “seven or
eight investments at a time, investments he knows intimately, after intensive
research.” In addition, as another journalist notes, Lampert has invested a
great deal of money in the company’s information technology, online site, and membership
program. As one journalist writes, “Gary Balter, a retail analyst at Credit Suisse, is negative on
Sears Holdings’ stock but is impressed with the online presence Mr. Lampert has
created. ‘The irony of Eddie is he’s one of the retailers who did see the
Internet coming,’ Mr. Balter said. ‘I have so many retailers who were so blind
to the impact. Eddie saw it and he made significant investments.’” In
his own defense, Lampert explains the comparatively low level of investment in the company’s stores, by arguing reasonably, “There is more money we could be
investing in our stores, but when we did invest in our stores, we didn’t see a
return. If I can’t invest in 100 stores and do well, doing that across 1,000
stores doesn’t make sense.”
Moreover Lampert argues,
not unreasonably, that a decentralized structure with many business units
increases organizational adaptation. As he noted in a 2009 letter to shareholders, “During the past year we underwent a major organizational
transformation to help us adapt to the accelerated pace of change across all of
our businesses. This change goes far beyond economic conditions. New technology
and business models have forced many mature industries and businesses to
reassess their ability to compete. We put in place boards and leadership teams
and developed internal financial reports for each of the business units. For
those who don’t agree with the idea of a portfolio approach as the underpinning
of strategy, I respectfully disagree. It is easier in theory to manage to a
single scenario and a single plan. It is much easier to communicate based on a
single scenario and a single plan. But the world is complex and it doesn’t
always cooperate.”
Case closed? Is the design
is a rational response to current conditions? I am not sure. There is something
worrisome about the emotional impacts of his organizational structure and one
wonders how connected he is to the turmoil and anguish he has created. Moreover,
what if the structure itself, introduced four years ago is partly responsible
for the company’s recent poor performance? Perhaps an assessment of his
character and psychology can shed some additional light here.
It is striking in this
regard that Lampert seems quite detached from his subordinates. He rarely
visits the firm’s official headquarters in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, and
conducts most of his meetings virtually from his hedge fund's office, at one
time in Connecticut, and now in Miami. As the Business Week journalist writes, “Lampert
spends little face to face time with his executives. He regularly
holds court in his spartan conference room, diagramming on a big whiteboard for
Sears executives who tune in remotely. The executive in the hot seat will begin clicking through a PowerPoint
presentation meant to impress. Often he’ll boast an overly ambitious target—“We
can definitely grow 20 percent this year!”—without so much as a glance from
Lampert whose preference is to peck out e-mails or scroll through a spreadsheet
during the talks. Not until the executive makes a mistake does the Sears chief
look up, unleashing a torrent of questions that can go on for hours.” This
description suggests that he disrespects his subordinates and may in fact be
competitive with them.
He also enacted this
detached style in the way he participated in the company’s social network. The
journalist writes, “He ordered the IT department to build a proprietary
social network, called Pebble, which he joined anonymously under the pseudonym,
“Eli Wexler.” ..Lampert’s intention, former colleagues say, was noble: He
wanted to engage with employees and find out what was happening across the
company. It quickly became clear that Eli Wexler was a little too engaged on
Pebble. He left critical comments on other people’s posts, according to more
than 20 former employees; he even got into arguments with store associates.
Word got around that Wexler was Lampert. Bosses started tracking how often
employees were “Pebbling.” One former business head says her group organized
Pebble conversations about miscellaneous topics just to appear they were active
users. Another group held “Pebblejam” sessions to create the illusion they were
using the network.” In other words, he engaged his subordinates manipulatively,
by participating anonymously in the network, and they in turn manipulated him.
It is also interesting
in this regard that he is passionate follower of Ayn Rand's philosophy and
gives new employees audio recordings of her famous novel, Atlas Shrugged. Her philosophy, “Objectivism,” rejects emotionalism
and believes that feelings per se are not sources of knowledge or meaning.
Instead, reason is supreme. As the hero-inventor of Atlas Shrugged, John Galt says in a radio address, “Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who
desires nothing but rational goals, seeks nothing but rational values and finds
his work in nothing but rational actions." Rand also proposed that the
commercial transaction “is in fact, a good representation of an ideal human
interaction. It embodies the values of productivity, justice and integrity.
Trade of values (of any sort) is the most important and just principle of all
human relationships and a commercial transaction exemplifies trade better than
anything else.” This is of course one reason why Rand rejected collectivism as
a principle of social organization.
It is reasonable to ask if Lampert’s
organization design has roots in this philosophy. The design too rejects the
idea of the organization as a collective whole. Indeed, in providing a
rationale for the company’s organization design, a Sears spokesperson, “went as
far as to say that competition and advocacy were sorely lacking before and are
lacking in socialistic economies.” The reference to “socialism,” at a time when
it exists nowhere but in Cuba, suggests that Lampert’s organizational choice
was not motivated simply by the requirements of the situation but by his
loyalty to a particular worldview.
I am drawn as well to another
feature of Lampert’s biography; the fact that he lost his father when he was
14. As several journalists have noted, Lampert’s close friends believe that his
drive and ambition are linked to this loss. As his mother recounts, “At his wedding in 2001, held
outdoors on his Greenwich estate, he looked up into the sky and made a toast, “How
am I doing, Dad?”
loss of a parent at such an age is without a doubt traumatic. His father was
involved with Lampert and his sister, coaching Little League baseball and
teaching them the card game, “Bridge.” He died suddenly, and though a lawyer,
left the family with little money. Lampert’s mother went to work as a sales
clerk and Lampert worked after school in a warehouse. In this sense losing a
parent signals a premature end to childhood. Some teenagers may refuse
adulthood by acting out, while others may respond adaptively to the loss by
internalizing reality as harsh and unforgiving. Perhaps his detachment, as well
as his failure to understand the emotional costs of the organization he
created, reflects his belief that harshness is an inevitable feature of
is striking in this regard, that he has successfully sought out high-powered
mentors, father figures so to speak, such as Robert Rubin, the head of Goldman
Sachs, James Tobin, the Nobel economist, and Richard Rainwater the successful
investor. Yet he did not accept their support and succor for very long. He left
Goldman Sachs sufficiently early in his tenure for Rubin to worry that he was
hurting his career prospects. He left Rainwater early, after only a year and a
half, in disagreement over his role. “Lampert pushed to get involved in deals, but Rainwater wanted him to stay
focused on buying and selling stocks. ‘It wasn't that I thought I'd do deals,’
says Lampert, who was 27 when he set out on his own... ‘But I was hell-bent on
the principle that I should have the flexibility to do deals.’ He adds, ‘The
irony is that I didn't do a deal until 15, 16, 17 years later.’ In other words,
he left a mentor on matters of principle rather than on the basis of a
relationship. This reflects a conception of sociability based on abstractions
rather than on experience.
Buffet was his most important teacher, but was a father figure in absentia. He started reading and re-reading
Buffett’s writings while working at Goldman after college. “He would analyze
Buffett’s investments, he says, by ‘reverse engineering’ deals, such as his
purchase of the insurance company Geico. Lampert went back and read Geico’s
annual reports in the couple of years preceding Buffett’s initial investment in
the 1970s. ‘Putting myself in his shoes at that time, could I understand why he
made the investments? That was part of my learning process.’” He met Buffet for
only 90 minutes in 1989 on a trip he took to Omaha.
All this suggests that while he has sought out and found father figures he nonetheless keeps them at some emotional distance. This is a reasonable response to the loss of an actual father. Finding father figures meets a need, keeping them at a distance helps restrain the grief he may feel upon re-enacting the father-son relationship. This stance could make it difficult for him to understand the paternal functions of the “boss” role, that is the leader or authority figure who demands a certain level of performance but also provides subordinates with a sense of security and support. This may be why he is not in touch with the emotional costs his design imposes on his subordinates. After all, if the Business Week journalist is to be believed, they feel “ravaged” by the competitiveness he’s induced.
describe Lampert as an information geek. “His chief information officer Karen
Austin says Lampert is the company's number one user of a computer-based tool to
analyze sales, margins, and inventories by store, by region, and by merchandise
group. A geek at heart, he spends hours at his Connecticut office drilling down
into the data, zeroing in on whatever isn't making money.” A person who is
detached emotionally, can make good use of his resistance to sociability by
being a geek. His limitation can become a source of strength. Indeed, this is
the hallmark of all neurotics --and I include myself in this group -- and what
we mean by the notion of “character.”
at the same time, there is little doubt that we are entering a world in which
geeks have power. Lampert’s organization design produces a rich array of data
that helps him treat his organization as a collection of assets, each of which
must earn a requisite rate of return. Can we say for certain that this
conception of an organization results in dysfunction? After all, this conception
shares features with other ideas in good currency, for example; the resistance
to bureaucracy, the belief that decentralization is good, or that people
perform best when they are given discretion but are also held accountable.
the good marketing professional once depended on his imaginative grasp of his
customers, an ability to empathize with them. But in the world of “big data”
marketing professionals rely increasingly on quantitative evidence. This is
after, all how Netflix, the movie-streaming company, identifies what movies we
will like, how Amazon identifies what books we want to read, how website
designers identify what features of a site lead to “click-throughs,” and when,
as a result of our online searches, we are about to buy an automobile or a
house, or have a baby. It may be that Lampert’s character is fit for the time
and that his organization design while stressful may yet help him identify
which parts of the organization are productive and promise future returns. The
idea of an organization as a whole with a skin that creates integrity and
containment may be outmoded. After all, isn’t this what we mean when we
describe the world as a set of networks, and isn’t a marketplace one giant
network of exchange?
I am
of several minds here. We cannot know right now whether or not Lampert’s
organization design is the root of the company’s poor performance, or is the
basis for its future success. We can be reasonably certain that Lampert has a
detached style of relating, and that his resulting “geekiness” is consonant
with many of the challenges and tasks facing executives today. We can be
reasonably certain that like all of us neurotics, he makes the most of his
limitations. We can be reasonably certain that we are entering a period that
favors entrepreneurship and that a social world of networks makes
organizations less whole and less containing. We cannot know how harsh such a
social world should or must be, and what countervailing tendencies may create
feelings of solidarity and friendship. I wonder what my readers think.
What 'metric' would he use to tell him he is succeeding or failing? Money, it must be. He likely doesn't care for the corporation as such -- it's history, personnel, reputation.
ReplyDeleteQuantitative data even in sports has had its limits, success or failure co-determined by other, unmeasured variables.
Quantitative data in marketing -- Amazon, et al -- may have the perverse effect of molding the very consumer attributes the marketers are trying to measure. That's when some genius can break out with a radically new approach.
I work in the globally matrixed world of investment banking. We connect with each other around the world via e-mail and a laptop video system, spending large parts of the day with headsets on. I have several bosses removed from me by significant time zones and speak with my direct boss once a week for 30 minutes by this video system. I've just been through the stressful on-boarding period and contained my anxiety - sometimes well, sometimes less well - by active journalling in the first few months and discussions with 'stronger, wiser' others, (executive coaching friends). Such solutions are not easily replicable - most executives resist, for example, writing.
ReplyDeleteIn my day job as head of talent, I've been experimenting with peer coaching with a group of 100 senior executives. They work in small groups of 6-8 facilitated by an external coach,with the intent to create 'safe environments' in which the leaders can open up, connect more deeply with each other and learn. The participants travel schedules have impeded this process - it's been difficult to keep the same groups consistent. It's also not a cheap solution and although people are forming stronger, relationships, I don't know yet how sustaining or enduring this will prove. It is an attempt to bring deeper human connectivity to help manage widespread anxiety which easily spreads from these top leaders across the organization.
Katie, thanks for your comment. Your experiences are very salient to the theme of this post. It brings to my mind the question of whether and how executives can form sentient ties based on the work they do together. In a sense, if I understand what you have done correctly, the groups you are sponsoring exist to the side of the work. They are purposefully designed for peer support. This may be the only alternative when when the work ties are virtual and their is sufficient anxiety stimulated by the work itself. But as you ask it is not clear that if groups constructed to the side of the work process are in fact sustainable.
ReplyDeleteKeep in there, Katie! As part of establishing for the first time professional networks of communicators across four different large and complex organisations, I too have experienced the highs and lows of creating a single community of interest. Where to start? Specific, practical issues which invite members of the network to share their experience and expertise? Or an appeal to a set of values, a shared vision and plan? I have found that planned, top-down initiatives can take off provided one pays enough attention to the emergent, ground-up developments led by smaller groups of individuals. I have found my own leadership style in such situations move from leading to enabling collaboration. It's easy to think that this means facilitating a group or a set of groups's development, but the leadership role here is closer to a choreographer, trusting in the group's growing sense of its own identity, yet nurturing and supporting its development in practical ways, as well as giving the group's top cover, ensuring top management sponsorship.
ReplyDeleteApologies: the last line should read "as well as giving the group's development top cover..."
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ReplyDeleteHi nicee reading your blog